Light and Love


The telephone rang.  Nick answered it and put the call on speaker… It was Arielle calling from London.

The cancer cells found in the large, “nasty” tumor were DEAD.   The pathology report, on those two, teeny, tiny suspicious looking things that the surgeon said he removed… were NOTHING. Her cancer counts are down from 50,000 to 5,000 and that was from a blood test done two weeks ago.  If the cancer counts continue to come down, at a reasonable rate,over the next several weeks, there will be NO MORE CHEMO!

I’m at a loss for words…  I know right!  I’m trying to process this, but having trouble trying to describe my relief, joy, gratitude… it’s actually indescribable!  The only thing that comes to mind is “I’m over the moon!

I know, I know, It’s not over yet… but this is amazing!  This is really the best news we could have possibly received!  (Other than, “Oh, it wasn’t cancer after all!”)

Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of you who sent prayers, healing thoughts, positive energy, kind words and love. Thank you for caring enough to read my rantings and for commenting with such loving, kind, upbeat and supportive messages. You kept me going when I wanted to give up.

This has been one of the worst experiences of my life, but at the same time one of the  best!  I have grown and learned so much about myself and all the people around me.

“Rantings” will be put on the shelf for now.  It has served it’s purpose and it has served me well.  I have a new at:



  1. Praise God from whom All blessings flow! This is beautiful news, and as you carefully say, ‘for now’, it is enough to give hope for Arielle’s future and your peace for this beloved daughter .

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  2. Lissa – so happy for you and your daughter – was going to check in with you today and as soon as I opened my email there you were with great news. God Bless and remember the gift of love and prayer will always be there for you and I am happy I was part of your journey! Love to all of you and please keep me updated.

    Love ya – Cheryl

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  3. While you thank us for sharing your journey and thank us for all prayers and wishes, we thank YOU for sharing the journey and for allowing us an outlet for our prayers in the need you presented, It’s hard to be an onlooker and tofeel helpless to aid a beloved friend at such a time. You gave us an opportunity to share a blessing that we also received while trying to help you. I truly hope you never “need” us again, but would be happy to go through it all again with the same wonderful outcome as this time. You showed incredible strength and stamina, while I know you did not feel like you had any strength. We also know you really didn’t need any, ’cause our prayers asked the Lord to supply you with all you needed, I think our prayers were answered. Love to the family and especially you and Arielle.

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