The first milestone


mile·stone noun \ˈmī(-ə)l-ˌstōn\

: a stone by the side of a road that shows the distance in miles to a specified place

: an important point in the progress or development of something : a very important event or advance

For those of you still reading this Blog, “Good on you! …and thank you.” I’m happy to have you on this journey where sanity sometimes crashes with lunacy and positivity and optimism are occasionally (and just temporarily) drowned out by despair, anger and exhaustion.

I’m happy to report that we (and by “we” I mean Arielle) have reached our first “milestone!”  As of yesterday, she has completed her first full cycle of chemotherapy. In layman’s terms, and for her, that entailed 7 individual chemo treatments, plus two extra just for good measure and because she’s kind of a pain in the neck!  If all goes well she has two (possibly three) more cycles, or 14 more individual treatments. She hopes to be done in mid September and then surgery to get what is left of the tumor.

It’s funny, 6 months ago the word “milestone” had a very different connotation to me. As a Program/Project Manager I used the term frequently, but never really gave it much thought and it certainly didn’t have the celebratory feel as it does today!  It was simply a point in time by which a series of tasks were to be completed, so that the next series of tasks could begin. …not a very big deal really and if you didn’t meet the milestone date,  you simply changed it.

Today that word (and her accomplishment) mean so much more! I know it’s only a cycle of chemo and I know a lot of other people have had many more treatments with more severe side effects, but to me… well my kid was kicked in the gut and thrown down to hell before being dragged back here to this horrible reality.  And although there were a few tough moments along the way, she took it on the chin, got up, brushed herself off, looked it in the eye and just kept going.

She has a long road ahead of her, but today as we celebrate this this very important milestone, I am so very happy and unbelievably proud of her.  If she can do this… she can do anything.


  1. Good for her and for mama too! Kinda feel invested here even though the pain for me is not quite as severe – but it’s really real and close enough to get that stomach clench whenever my thoughts go there

    Don’t worry that others have been there or maybe have gone through worse. What you feel and how you handle it is YOUR personal journey and your sharing of it is an incredible gift for others who may be going through stuff of their own and are not sure they are reacting how they’re supposed to. There is NO “supposed to” Just keep on being you, Melissa. And keep on sharing because it helps you – and that’s more important than anything right now.

    Much love to all of you and many prayers.y

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It was difficult seeing the hair on my pillow that rubbed off during the night and the clumps that it came out in when brushed – but surprisingly was quite liberating shaving off the remaining clumps. We had a shaving party and had some fun with it. You have to keep your sense of humor during these times :0) I actually enjoyed the few months of baldness and loved not having to shave! Sending you all big hugs! You will get through this and soon it will be but a small bump in this road we call life. Be strong!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are right Karen, a sense of humor is necessary to get through this! I thought it was quite funny that I was told shaving my head wouldn’t count because I wanted to do it anyway! xxx


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